Well here's another reviewb but I'm going to review Street fighter 4 for Xbox 360. I haven't gotton all the characters, the only one's I'm missing are Gouken and Seth. The way you get Gouken is you have to go through Arcade mode after youv'e beaten Akuma's story once, and going through any characters story you have to get one perfect and 3 ultra combo finishes and no continues then he appears after you beat Seth beat hm and you get him. This can be harder than it sounds because what I did is as Bison is I did eveything I had to do but I didn't get him, and it hit me. I forgot to do Akuma's story.......T_T*. So I did Akuma's story and everything, and I think the computers got.....way harder. So I hav\en't been able to do it yet. so that's enjoy street fighter...............................
..................... That's right I have a review to do. So what I can say you'll be wanting to break it in half because even the computer's are assholes,whether they do the same move over and over and over and over and over, or whether they corner you and stop attacking. Ok that one isn't that assholy anyway so its's basically that they wanted to computers to be like real people. Sometimes thats not good.But I only have one more problem with it. During cutscenes the lipsinking is terrible. I guess I can't say much besides the moves are pretty cool but hard to do. Anyway I have chosen my next to game reviews.
1.Star ocean (360)
2.Left 4 dead(360).
P.S I'm doing star ocean first because I rented it.