I have to say I was a HUGE fan of Sonic back about 3 years ago when I thought that all games were actually good. But since I have grown and have alarmingly matured I can now see that all the good Sonic Team Workers seem to have ran away to watch the destruction of the Sonic games behind but still we all can the remember Sonic and Knuckles and all those other amazing Sonic games which be drilled into our heads forever. But let's focus on the New Sonic games, first of all the final game I played before I matured if you will was Sonic Heroes for the Gamecube and ofcourse I loved it but going back I can still say it wasn't good it wasn't bad but still Im getting off track here. So let's start with Sonic the Hedgehog for the Xbox 360 this game was them experimenting with the Xbox so I can only say that the only part I liked was Silver because I personally liked him as a character but Sonic was too slow unfortunataly so I have to say this game was pretty damn bad. Now with Sonic and the secret rings I REALLY hate this one mainly for it's terrible controls. But I have to gve it credit that the cutscenes were pretty awesome except for the last one WARNING SPOILERS because he wishes for quote "A mountain of hankercheifs so when you feel sad you can use them to feel better" ok now for the one youv'e probably been waiting for Sonic unleashed I have to say that the Sonic levels are awesome but the werehog thing just ruined it. and finally Sonic and the black knight ok I have to admit on this one I kinda liked it. But still my only nitpick really is that Sonic's in it well I know it's called "Sonic and the black knight" but still if they just had that exact game with some knight character that would be pretty awesome.My guess is they're trying to redeem themselves.
So tell me what you think of this so comment