I feel very honored to be one of the first people to review this game.
SO let's by saying that this is pretty much Left 4 dead but better. Let's compre the two.
Left 4 dead 2 has an actual story and explains why they are there. Left 4 dead doesn't but that doesn't matter much right? There is a much bigger selection of weapons not like Borderland's amount but enough to keep you changing. Most of the character's are still likeable and I find are much easier to connect with then the first. Thre graphics are very good with it changing from DAy to night. Also the gameplay is just as good as any other Valve game. So bottom line: If you loved Left 4 dead like I did you'll love this one. It's pretty hard to review this game without spoilers. Also here is the only Spoiler I'll reveal. There is a samlll half life reference:The crowbar is a melee weapon, Just like in Left 4 dead Louis say: "Aw man, this is just like counterstrike" Anyway so